Trust 2

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s3ood i6laa3 ebser3a ou 3ogob 5 mins
la7gitik 7ag el jam3a

9ale7 : ya3ni min kalamich afhaam inich testaansain etha a7ad 5azich.. he looked serious 7aaddy 5ift minaa
3zeez : eshda3wa .. kaa gaam el rayaal maa kan 8a9daa ou ely yesmi3ekk eygool i7na man5izz;) 7alal 3laik ou 7aram

*Message Received*
na6rech bel parking mal el jam3aa

9ale7: e7na 3al a8aal man5ez wa7da weya reyayeel
3zeez: bdaaina.. hahhaha a9laan a5er broadcast dazeena eygloonlik kil ely eb madares 5a9a " el McChickens" mo reyayeel... walaa shagoona hal broadcasts
We all laughed ashwaa 3zeeez saved the day:p
Me : yala ana baroo7 la 2ata5ar 3alaa awal mo7athara nafs kil maaraa .. reem yaya ?
All : alaa ma3aach
Reem : no bakamil my coffee
Reem likes to give and s3ood our private time tadrey inna i was going to him since he went out gabl 5 mins

*in the Parking *

S3oood : sh'haal jamaaal elyoum
Me : bdaina eb7arakat el 3agad ely malhaa daa3ey
s3ood : ma gidaart asheel 3ainy 3anich elyoum
Me : tadre baghait etsawe moshkila bs ashwaa 3azeez saved you
s3ood: mnu 3zeez inshala elu tawa ga3ed yamich * angry look *
Me : ee! inta ga3ed etkhiz fa 9ale7 6efar the other guy bel tabel
s3ood : ou laish inshala ya6fer 7abeebty ou kaify
Me : ou ohwaa shdraa iny 7beebtik !!! kan ga3ed eygool mo china e7na 9bayaan ga3deen 3aib atkhez ou ohma ga3deen
s3ood: ya3ni rayal ma3 wayha !!
Me : zain mminaa shdara inik et3arefny law inta wa7ed ma3arfa ou etkhiz el mafrooth e3aa9eb
s3ood: 5alaa9 as7aab kilmty ashwa so he protects you min shabab ekhizouich etha kint mo ma3akom .. great:)
Me: ee *with puppy eyes*.. yala emsh khal inro7 el mo7athartna

jidaam el nas i tell them ina he's my friend in school so 3adey ou i wont worry about 3azeez ou 9ale7 lana ohma eb GUST mo eb KU:p

s3ood: many mashy
Me: laish ?-.-
s3ood: awal abe boosa dam maku a7ad
Me: 3eeb 3laik blushing
s3ood: yalaa bas wa7da pointing at his cheeks
i like to keep our relationship clean bdooon any kisses 7adna ethaa 6awaalna 7ail 3an ba3ath hug .. no more
Me : giving an angry look yalaaa tara broo7 wa5aleek
s3ood : la la 5la9 i give up

ou chithy kamalna our way to our classes he dropped me in my class and came back when i finished .. bs ma7eb chthy a7es he's not giving me time to be my self to chat with my friends in college but as much as i want that time to meet new friends and chat with old ones i cant just go and tell him i dont want to see you in college or dont stay with me that often in college

*after the Class*

Me: waaai3 im bored a5yaas 9aaaf 3endy Marketing
Reem : ee wala ou e7na 6ab3an ga3deen china 7aywanat mu fahmeen shay
Me : ufff!
s3ood: (tawa yay min his class) shfeech ba3ad ?
Me : mu fahmeen shay min el modares
Reem : ee wala ga3deen china 7aywanat jidama
Me: madry yeshraa7 7ag mnu ma7aad fahem minaa
s3ood : 3aade etha taboon ana ma5eth el mada gabilkom weya dektoor f'6ee3 agdar afahemkom ay wagt taboun
Me : ashwa :)

Ana w s3ood met in a weird way we met through facebook. he added me like 10 times ou every time i ignore he sends an inbox that he really wants to be friends with me and so on. so i decided ok since i am eb school mo5tala6 why not just be friends with him like any boy in my school.. so i told him inna its ok we are just gonna be friends but you know shwayshway he started getting closer until when i graduated from school he couldn't wait no longer. he told me that he was waiting all this time to change our friendship to a relationship and at that time i relized that i am ready for a realationship im not a tenager anymore... at first it was weird lana he was that guy that never said no he just gave advices but now he turned into a guy that always says no but anyways i still love him. I never felt that we were just friends i've always loved him as a boyfriend but i was waiting for the right time to come..and it did cause i promised my self not to be in a relationship until i become more mature anyways lets get back to present.. s3ood just left after he droped me to my car ou reem raddat ma3ay ana awa9elha since her car was with her elder brother that just came from America he was studying college ihnaak ou raad 7ag summer break

*in the car*

Reem: haaa saraaa shitfakreen fee ;p ashoofich wayyed mindamjaa
Me: hahahha la walaa shay bs et9adgen badait amil min s3ood 6ool el wagt bel jam3a ma3ay bs bel classes ya3ny et3arfeen aby at3araf 3ala new friends mo nafs el routine kil youm .. bs madre shloun agoola fashla:s
Reem: ee wala 9aa7 .. la7ath'tich hal ayam ur not being yourself
Me : ee :s ou 59oo9an eb starbucks tewahagt !!
Reem: you should talk to him .. may9eer itkamleen ou intay mo mertaa7aa
Me : when do you thin is the right time to talk
Reem : as soon as possible .. bs mo bel jam3aa
Me : ya3ne today ?
Reem : ee i think so ;/.. stop the car yal habla wi9alnaa baity
Me: hahha ma laa7ath't china we9alna ebser3aa
Reem: lanich ga3da mindamja eb tafkereech
Me: hahhaha

Reem was the girl that never beleived in relationships.. she just believed that she'll wait until marriage.. but she understood me and always was there for me..

*in the house*

i went up to my room there was nobody in the 9ala lana el kel eywa9el wenam at this time it was 12:30 after half an hour kil men egoom .. i went and took a long shower with warm water thinking how and where to tell him that he needs to back off a little bit after the tornado that was going in my brain i have reached to an answer .. im going to meet him today at 8 in the parking lot we always meet in.

*Massage sent*


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3endik shay elyoum belail

*Message Received*


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ok can i see lazem agoolik shay
bs mabeek tez3al minny

*Calling sa3ody*

umbaay now what do i answer or not :S! madreee shgoolaa :/

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